signs of spring

In the pond in the woods I noticed a big bubble containing lots of smaller bubbles each with a black object – frogspawn with the black dots growing daily larger into tadpoles.

frogspawn containing tadpoles
frogspawn containing tadpoles

The bouts of warm weather interspersed with freeze spells have stimulated budding on several plants.

a blueberry plant anticipating spring
a blueberry plant anticipating spring

Similarly my raspberries and elderberries.

raspberry plants readying for the new season
raspberry plants readying for the new season

And at the tips of the branches of my apple trees, young leaves begin to unfurl.

in spring the early leaves of the apple tree stretch up and uncurl
ein shemer apple tree leaf

Of concern, as in previous years, is the proclivity of the peach trees to blossom too early and then be frost killed. And here, true to habit, is a peach bud preparing to launch.

bulging peach bud
bulging peach bud

Today is in the 50’s so a few hardy bees are reconnoitering.  Both hives show signs of life.

some bee activity
some bee activity

And last week, with the gradual lengthening of the days, the hens are returning to egg laying activities.  Right now 2 eggs a day but 5 eggs a few days ago.

in order from front: Red, Pearl, Buffy the Rooster, and Lady Macbeth peaking from the back
in order from front: Red, Pearl, Buffy the Rooster, and Lady Macbeth peaking from the back

The young garlic plants are looking good, the chard into its second season is fresh and tempting and where I had planted a few severed roots, comfrey plants with their distinguished leaf pattern have emerged from the soil.

young comfrey plant offspring from a root fragment, with its patterned memorable leaf
young comfrey plant offspring from a root fragment, with its patterned memorable leaf

Another growing season is on its way!





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